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Who Are Spirit Guides? Who Are Our Guardian Angels? Is There Any Difference Between Them? Do We Have Negative Spirit Guides?

Spirit Guides are souls that exist in a higher dimensional frequency, they are assigned to us to assist us through our awakening process.

We can attract these higher dimensional souls, only when, we have raised our vibration in resemblance to their vibration.

There are mainly four types Spirit Guides which found more commonly.

1. Ascended Masters

They work with a collective group of souls, with a primary focus only on helping all of humanity.

They work in all spiritual dimensions like, in Akashic Reading, in Realignment of the soul through all the clearing works, by helping in healing of our all level of bodies and countless.

Mostly these guides closely work with “Energy Healers”, Ascended masters are those, who led a physical life once or more and has moved on to a higher spiritual plane after attaining “Nirvana”–

To name a few of such masters are, Buddha, Krishna, Mother Kwan Yin, Guru Nanak Dev, Shiva, Jesus and so on. 

2. Ancestral Guides

An ancestral guide is one who share association or blood relation with you, may be your dear aunt/uncle/grandparents and so on who, died at your young age or before. These souls reincarnate with different relationship with you to guide you on this Earth plane, they are known as “Earth Guides”. Sometimes as per soul journey, they guide us through higher dimension itself, without taking a re-birth. 

3. Teacher Guide

Teacher Guides appear in our life to teach us in our journey, it could be a lesson which could further help us in the process of our ascension, this could be in the form of meditation, some energy work or any sort of. We call them “Guru”, “Baba”, “Teacher”, “Mentor” etc depending on our culture or religious language.

They will teach us the required lesson and will be there for us whenever we need them, or else they will move on.

4. Animal Spirit Guides

We all know that the Spirit of the Creator is in everything.

A Spirit Animal Guide reflects our spiritual self. It is possible to have several spirit animals in the journey of our life.

The Spirit of the animal could unite with the person it “chose” in more personal ways, like our pets or could be a specific animal, who is close to us. Our spirit animal represents qualities and attributes that we see in our self. It plays many roles in our life, such as the role of a protector to protect us from all wrong energies, people, any mis happening, role of a messenger, gate keeper or even a healer sometimes. They are like a personal guide or protector, with whom they share deep connection.

About Negative Spirit Guides

We all have our spirit guide for our help and guidance. Creator have given us everything which we need, to not only survive on this planet, but also, that we need the most in our journey to learn, to release and to create our reality.

One Spirit Guide comes with us by our birth, the others (positive/negative-depending on our personal choices, which we make with our free-will) we hire them, as we grow up and go through our childhood to young adulthood.

We hire negative guides in our negative period lives. This can be through negative emotions/experience, being in a toxic environment, with an abusive family/relation/circumstances etc. These guides usually like an etheric implant, they run a program in our different chakras depending on our experiences, these programs run in our emotional or mental body.

Due to these negative programming we get misaligned with our true soul blueprint and forget our sole purpose, hence we become bound to incarnate repeatedly in a same/similar situation with different life sequences with the same programming.

We have our inner and outer circle and when we have these negative spirit guides on our inner circle, this can make us distracted from our true path and influence us toward to make more negative choices and karmas which will be simply out of alignment to our true soul path. 

We all are a powerful creator of our own being. With the power of Law of attraction, we attract and manifest more similar situation, choices, people, circumstances etc in our life, but all these depends on the type/quality of our spiritual guidance/power.

That is why it becomes very important to clear such programming, which is done by our negative guides.

Our Spirit Guides, Souls of higher dimension and “Ascended Masters” communicate with us via frequencies, then our inner guidance system filters into impulses to send us signals to act in the appropriate direction, which we perform on our daily basis. Our inner guiding system which we commonly refer to intuition.

Our physical body is the third-dimensional body, to be enable to move into the higher dimensions, which is very important for our ascension we all need to clear our blockages, need to delete the negative programming from our bio-system and then to re-unite with our original soul blueprint. There are ways to clear such negative spirit guides from our inner circle by many ways, one of the most powerful way is “Akashic Reading & Clearing work”, after clearance work, we enable our-self to not only live blissfully but also to move towards re-alignment with our true soul for our highest good.

Effects of the negative programming in our life

Let’s understand, how these programming can lead us to our failures and painful circumstances:

A client of mine was leading a painful experience in relationships since childhood, as a result it became difficult for her to trust anyone, she grew up in an abusive family where her brother used beat up, nobody used to understand her emotions and especially the relation with mother was completely terrible. In that condition, not only her study and professional career was at stake, but also quality of her life, quality of her emotions, condition of her physical health too was questionable.

Apart from her psychological issues, she grew up with physical illnesses associated with Liver and digestive organs (associated with specific chakras). 

In her “Akashic Reading” I found that she hired three negative “Spirit Guides”, this started in some 15 lifetimes back. 

The program which was found during the session was of “Doubt” at her 3rd, 4th and 7th chakra on her mental body.

This program was giving her energies and circumstances of doubting her abilities to achieve her goals, low self-esteem, doubtful relations and on self too, inability and lack of freedom to choose for self, because of this insecurity and mistrust, keeping promises and commitments was also not possible.

I hope this will help you to find your blockages and limitations, to cleans, heal and to re-unite. Do share your experience after reading the above and comment below. If you are looking for any kind of help to deal with any emotional problem, write a mail to me for the same.